Area of Expertise

Specialist in Adult and Paediatric (Children)  Rhinology (Nose), Laryngology (Voice Box), Otology/Neurotology (Ear), , Head and Neck Cancerous and Non-Cancerous Tumors including the Thyroid and Parathyroid, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Allergy and Snoring management.

Area of expertise in management of
Diseases and disorders involving Nose and Paranasal Sinuses                                                                                                  

Nasal obstruction (Nose Blockade) due to deviated septum DNS, Neoplasm, Nasal Allergy, Polyp, foreign body, septal haematoma, granulomas, furuncles, septal abcessess, rhinosporidiosis, hemangioma, dental cyst, granulations.

Nasal discharge (Runny nose)  due to allergy, hypersensitivity, infection of maxillary, frontal sinuses, anterior ethmoidal sinuses. posterior ethmoid or the sphenoid sinuses, post nasal drip sneezing, bleeding from nose, Epistaxis from trauma, hypertension, etc

Headache or facial pain due to Sinusitis, abcess formation, infection etc.

Swelling/ deformity of nose due to Septal hematoma, septal abcess, fracture, deviated nasal septum DNS,

Disturbances of sense of smell due to Neoplasms, tumors, allery, polyp, repeated trauma, repeated surgeries.

Snoring due to Polyps, benign growths, neoplasms, deviated nasal septum. Enlarged tonsils and adenoids specially in childrenm

Change in voice ( hyper- or hypo- nasality)   Turbinate deformities, nasal block due to mass (polyp, neoplasm etc).

Diseases and disorders involving Nasopharynx    

Nasal obstruction       Antrochonal polyp, angiofibroma, carcinoma, throndwalt’s cyst or abcess, adenoids, mulberry hypertrophy of inferior turbinate.

Post nasal discharge   Below the middle turbinate: infection of anterior group of sinuses

Above the middle turbinate: infection of posterior group of sinuses.

Epistaxis         Posterior nasal or nasopharyngeal pathology.

Deafness         Eustachian tube dysfunction, nasopharyngeal growth.

Cranial nerve palsies  Cancer/Malignancy of Nasopharynx.

Multiple neck swellings, Enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck.  

Diseases and disorders involving Mouth and pharynx

Ulcers, neoplasms etc

Dry mouth, Decreased salivation: Mouth breathing, irradiation, generalized disease of the salivary glands.

Dribbling saliva, Increased salivation: ulcers of the mouth, poor oro-dental hygiene, ill fitting denture.

Heavily coated tongue, Dysfunctions of sense of taste, injury to chorda tympani, or facial nerve damage.

Ulcerative lesions, dental abcess, trauma to the maxilla or mandible, malignant lesion of tongue, buccal mucosa, retromolar trigone that have infiltrated deeply,

Diseases and disorders involving Oropharynx and food passage

Sore throat  due to Acute or chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, ulcerative lesions of the pharynx.

Painful swallowing, Odynophagia  due to Ulcers, peritonsillar or retropharyngeal abcess, lingual tonsillitis.

Difficulty or inability to swallow, Dysphagia due to Tonsillar enlargements, parapharyngeal tumors, benign or malignant disease of tonsils, base of tongue or posterior pharyngeal wall, paralysis of soft palate; globus hystericus, psychological.

Change in voice due to Paralysis of palate, space occupying lesions.

Pain in the ear, Ear ache    

Snoring due to Large tonsils and other oropharyngeal lesions.

Bad breath, Halitosis due to Infected tonsils, postnasal discharge, or malignancy.

Decreased hearing, Hearing loss due to Enlarged tonsils, dysfunction of cleft palate, submucous palate, palatal paralysis, recurrent pharyngitis, or tonsillitis.

Diseases and disorders involving external, middle or inner Ear      

Hearing loss,  Ringing in the ear, Tinnitus due to Acute otitis media, secretary otitis media (perforation), heamotympanum, tympano sclerosis, tubal occlusion, abcess formation, neoplasm, ulceration etc.

Dizziness/vertigo   due to acute or chronic suppurative otitis media, herpes zoster oticus, malignant otitis media, tumors of external or middle ear and trauma. 

Ear discharge  due to external or middle ear infection, Abcess, furuncle.

Pain in the ear, Ear ache due to Mastoiditis, abcess, furuncle, and other infections. (HSV infection etc)

Itching in the ear due to wax, allergy, Eruptions, vesication, fungal infections etc.

Abnormal external ear, Deformity of the pinna Bat ear, cauliflower ear. ( microtia and macrotia)

Diseases and disorders involving Larynx and laryngopharynx      

Disorders of the voice like Hoarseness, aphonia, puberphonia, dysphonia, easy fatiguability of voice.

Breathing difficulty, Respiratory obstruction due to infection, tumor, cancer, Foreign body, vocal cord paralysis

Cough and expectoration due to Infection (throat and upper respiratory tract)

Repeated clearing of throat due to Chronic laryngitis, pharungitis, sinusitis, benign or malignant tumors of larynx

Pain in throat due to infection of tonsils, pharynx, Ulcerative lesions of larynx, perichonodritis of laryngeal cartilages, arthritis of laryngeal cartilages.

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